Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Doing Business in Japan Essay

1) A large Japanese firm makes important decision by a so-called â€Å"nemawashi† consulting system which requires all internal stakeholders to review and sign the final decision. Research the concept online and compare the advantages and disadvantages of this decision making versus the vertical U.S. system. Describe specific situations when â€Å"nemawashi† could be advantageous and disadvantageous. The culture of the Japanese is to live in harmony with nature and others and they do this by avoiding debates and clashing positions by using a decision making system called Nemawashi. They value interpersonal connectedness and consensus which is the exact opposite of how Americans think and respond. This idea was developed in 1950 when American statistics professor, W. Edwards Deming, trained Japanese leadership staff in Science and Engineering on quality control techniques. David O’Gorman (2012) wrote, The techniques Deming introduced were very compatible with the cultural value of harmony. For example, Deming had 14 key principles for quality improvement. One principle is to â€Å"Break down the barriers between departments.† Deming’s perspective on teamwork, and his other teachings on quality improvement, fit perfectly with Japan’s cultural values of harmony and consensus. Nemawashi gets its meaning from a horticulture terminology meaning â€Å"wrapping around the roots.† When transplanting a tree from one place to another, preparing the root ball by wrapping it with fabric material and acclimatizing it to its new location before transplanting would make that tree grow healthier and stronger in its new environment. (Sakai, 2012) In practice, it means that the groundwork for a new proposal must be carefully prepared in advance if it is expected to take root, survive and prosper. (O’Gorman, 2012). Japanese managers are significantly more relationship-oriented and hierarchical than their U.S. counterparts, preferring consensus building, collectivist decision making, and risk avoidance. (FitzGerald, 2014) By informally communicating ideas to stakeholders, any issues planned for discussion in the larger meeting that might prove to be controversial are hashed out ahead of time so that they don’t create embarrassing snags. Any new ideas or proposals that are going  to be presented can be floated in the pre-meeting, in order to avoid any surpr ises during the main meeting. (Kopp, 2010) To avoid conflict and saving face, many of the discussions of an idea are done informally with all stakeholders prior to the actual formal meeting. There are advantages and disadvantages of this decision making style. The advantages of Nemawashi are: Nemawashi is a more disciplined business practice Nemawashi eliminates the element of surprise Nemawashi eliminates the likelihood of â€Å"whoever screams the loudest† getting their way Nemawashi eliminates ego and aligns interests to a common goal, focusing on the problem at hand with more input across the team or organization (Gordy, 2013). Consensus-building The disadvantages of Nemawashi are: It is time consuming Is not well suited to generating the innovated products and services that Japan needs to compete globally in the future. It suppresses innovative ideas. The nemawashi-ringi process can allow good ideas to wither and die. (O’Gorman, 2012). People are worried that decisions are sometimes made behind the scenes, instead of out in the open. It is therefore seen as an undemocratic process. (Abe, 2014). Those who hold a minority view do not express it to preserve harmony. Furthermore, decisions are flexible and open to change. As a result, decisions are vague, rarely written down, allowing various parties to implement the decision differently. (Anderson, 2009). An example where Nemawashi can best be implemented occurs when a decision does not have to be reached immediately. Japanese use it effectively when they are trying to improve a product such as Toyota. They have time to research, analyze, mull over, and share with all of the stakeholders and can flush out any inconsistencies or challenges prior to making the final decision. An example where Nemawashi is not advantageous is when a decision needs to be made rather quickly or when trying to be innovative. Because nemawashi is time-consuming, if there was a sudden decision that needed to be made, individuals who use this method of decision making would have difficulty getting everyone on board and in agreement in such a short amount of time. It may take months, perhaps years, for an idea  to work its way through the nemwashi-ringi process and be implemented. In the past, this did not pose much of a problem. But in today’s rapidly changing global environment there are increasing demands on companies to make faster decisions just to maintain their competitive position. (O’Gorman, 2012). An example of innovative products can be an idea such as the iPhone or self-driving tr ansportation. 2) Imagine that you are to welcome a Japanese delegation in your home-country. The delegation represents a potential business partner for your firm. Describe how you would prepare for the meeting and how you would decrease intercultural communication apprehension on both sides. I am welcoming a Japanese delegation in my home-country and because I am not ethnocentric, I have researched the Japanese culture and understand that they value hierarchy, status, social ranking, interpersonal relationships and nature. Japanese are polite, sensitive and have good manners and so it will be important to demonstrate those qualities, but not make an assumption because they possess these qualities that they will do business with my organization. I must prepare months in advance for the meeting because Japanese do not like to be taken by surprise. Japanese value commitment, dedication, excellent service, quality and reliability. I would send the itinerary to the Japanese delegation in advance along with any necessary paperwork for their review along with pictures of the executive members of the organization and their ranking. The professional portfolio would detail how long our organization has been in existence and our ranking in our industry. We would have researched their organization and identified their executives as well as their salaryman with whom we are engaging to do business. At the airport, a team of individuals would meet them and acknowledge the most senior member first on down to the salaryman. A business card held by both hands would be given to each one as each of us bow the formal bow and say ‘Watashi no namae wa Jones desu’. Although you do not need to become word-perfect Japanese speaker, many Japanese people really do appreciate foreigners who make the effort to learn at least a few Japanese words and business phrases. (Web) We would receive their business card and immediately study the card and place it carefully in our business card portfolio. We then would follow the itinerary explicitly. Instead of  taking them straight to the office, we would have tickets for the professional baseball team in our region in the loge with food and delicacies of their liking. Matsuzaki (2014) as a summer scholar states that Japanese people love sports, especially baseball. After the game, each delegate would receive a baseball hat with the team logo and a baseball shirt. After the game, a walk through the company and introduction to any senior managers would be done. We would go over our goals and objectives and discuss our portfolio in detail sharing information of how with an expanded business in Japan everyone could have a substantial profit. The most important thing to remember in dealing with the Japanese is to take a passive attitude and listen very carefully to those words that are spoken as well as those not spoken. Soft sell and use facts like â€Å"we sold over a million sets last year† rather than biased information such as â€Å"we’re better than them.† Be very careful not to overstate your case. Any kind of smooth talker or talking too much can rub the wrong way. It is much better to say too little than to say too much. ( Matsuzaki, 2014) Afterwards, at an upscale restaurant we would have an uchiage, (drinking party) which is a tradition Japanese have done after the end of a business transaction. Each business partner would be advised as to drink in moderation and if they do not drink, politely provide an excuse as to why they are not imbibing. The delegation would later be escorted to their hotel and in the morning escorted to the next planned event or to the airport by our executives with a parting gift of a company pen from Tiffany’s. 3) Access JETHRO’s website and other e-Global resources and describe the complexities of setting a Japanese representative office. What are the advantages and disadvantages when compared to other forms of business establishments in Japan? There are many complexities when setting up a representative office in Japan. According to Japan Management Consulting the Representative Office needs to have a Representative resident of Japan. The Representative Office needs to prove the reality of its existence by showing: a lease for office space in its own name a utility bill in the Representative Office name copy of the contract between the representative and the foreign country The Representative of the Representative Office needs to prove its good standing  with Social Insurance, Tax and Legal authorities by providing documents such as: registration with the local ward office â€Å"Juminhyo† registration with Social Insurance, typically a copy of Pension Book is needed proof of payment of resident tax and national tax and also individual enterprise tax if she/he was self-employed. The representative office also need to register with relevant tax office to report and pay the tax withheld on employees salary. (Japan Management Consult, 2011) The advantage of creating a Representative Office in Japan is to be able to carry marketing survey and information gathering activity in Japan before starting a full scale operation, without having to support the burden of full size company and especially keeping a Japan Yen General Ledger and paying taxes. The Representative Office can employ people in Japan and does not need to be registered with legal authorities like the Legal Affairs Bureau. The only registration needed is with tax office for payment of emplyees withheld income taxes. A representative office is often used by companies that wish to employ people in Japan for support activity or before starting a full scale activity. (Japan Management Consult, 2011) The disadvantage of a Representative Office is that it cannot engage in any for profit transactions that would raise Japan’s tax liability. It is only there to gauge the atmosphere of the environment through surveys and assessments. References Abe, Namiko. (2014). Japanese Language. Nemawashi. Retrieved from: Anderson, R.V. (Mar/Apr 2009) Management World. The Online Journal for Certified Managers. Japanese and American Management: A Contrast of Styles. Retrieved from FitzGerald, L.A. (2014). Module 2: One World Many Cultures. In Jones International University, BC 607: Leading from a Global Perspective. Retrieved from Gordy, Bill. (Dec 11, 2013). The Solutions Group Inc. Implementing the Japanese Business Practice of Nemawashi. Retrieved from Japan Management Consulting (2005-2011)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Personality Development Analysis Essay

Personality development is among the important aspects of life that we have to go through to ensure a complete and healthy life mentally, physically and emotionally. In this paper the three major theories of personality development are going to be used to analyse an individual that has already been chosen. Erickson’s theory of psychosocial development, Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, and Freud’s theory of psychosexual development are going to explain the various traits of our character in an effort to try and further understand the human personality development. The character has been chosen from the television series ‘Scrubs’; he is Dr John Michael Dorian also known as ‘JD’. JD is a 32 year old medical doctor; currently he is the residency director at St Vincent’s hospital, a position he recently acquired. He can be classified as a genuinely good doctor; this is shown by his concern for his patients while he was working at Sacred Heart Hospital. His best friend is Dr Chris Turk who is the Chief Surgeon at Sacred Heart hospital. The two of them have been together for most of their adult life; it has been frequently been confused that they are homosexual because of the closeness of their relationship. JD has a son called Sam who he adores. He has a girl friend called Elliot also a doctor in private practice. His mentor is Dr. Perry Cox who is the current chief of medicine at Sacred Heart hospital. All of them have worked together for over 8 years; they all have various close relationships depending on their line of work, perceptions e. t. c. Lastly JD has been portrayed as a needy human being; this is shown by his sensitivity and neediness. He has been described as the neediest person in the hospital. According to Erickson’s Psychosocial Development theory, JD is in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage. At this stage the main virtue is love and understanding. It is at this stage that one dares to experience relationships with other people. These relationships are therefore key aspects in ones life at this stage in life (Feldman 2005). When we look at JD, we see that he has a network of relationships that actually determine how well he works as a doctor. His relationship with Dr. Turk is of more importance. The call each other using pet names; brown bear and vanilla bear, this shows that they are both comfortable with each other. This relationship is also characterised with a lot of child like games and competitions. The two can therefore be considered as inseparable no matter what the circumstances (Dacey & Travers 2002). They depend on each other through thick and thin. There is also a lot of focus on JD career. He has been described as the residency director at St Vincent’s Hospital a position that he accepted because he would like to live near his son; he wants to spend more time with his on Sam. That is another relationship that dominates his life, in fact since both JD and Turk have children, when ever they get free time they spend it together with their children. This shows that the relationship between the parents and the children is healthy and will be healthy in the future, another characteristic that JD is in the Intimacy vs. Isolation stage. Unfortunately, JD has had a series of bad relationships with the opposite sex; this attributed to the fact that he is not emotionally healthy at that level, very small things with the opposite sex tends to bring out the worst in him. This is not for lack of trying but because as he defines it he self sabotages all his romantic relationships, a trend that can be seen also in his social life though with varying degrees. That is why he is mostly lonely (Dacey & Travers 2002). According to the Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, JD as a rational adult is in the Formal Operational stage. He is able to think rationally and therefore reach rational conclusions. He can speak eloquently and therefore an effective communicator. He knows the difference between right and wrong; it is part of the reason as to why he is a good doctors. According to JD patients need the extra attention so that they can heal even faster. This he reached despite constant ridiculing by his friends and at time even the doctor. But he still feels that it is right to spend sometime to know ones patient. Some of the skills that one acquires when at this stage have also been demonstrated; JD uses his deductive skills to diagnose his patients (Leifer & Hartston 2004). This also enables him to spend more quality time with his patients. It is the same reason as to why he is very much attached to the same patients. He is able to make rational decisions; seen when he decides to take another job so that he can spend more time with his son. This is particularly a hard decision because it means moving away from his best friend Turk. It means spending less and less time with Turk; many still don’t believe JD could make such a decision, but he does. This shows that he understands that in life one has to learn how to make rational decisions that will further enhance our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Being selfish is therefore a sign that all is not well. Life sacrifices have to be made so as to ensure that we are with those that we love and cherish. Such sacrifices come out of making rational decisions and although some may be sad, one has to look at the bigger picture. On the other hand JD is know for making the wrong decision despite knowing what the consequences are; he has an inner monologue that is constantly telling him what he should do but he always ignores this advice only to suffer the consequences latter (Leifer & Hartston 2004). According to Freud’s theory of Psychosexual Development, JD has successfully gone through the required stages that one has to go through to ensure that he is ready and complete for life. He is an adult and has therefore managed to go through all the processes as described by Freud; he is therefore at the genital stage. At this point in life JD is struggling to establish a balance between a lot of things going on in his life. He therefore reaches a decision that favours him moving a way from what he is used to so as to be with his son. He also makes a decision that involves him living with Elliot his girlfriend and eventually his wife. At this stage one tends to focus on the needs of others rather than their own needs and this explains why JD made such a selfless decision so that he can be with his wife and further enhance his career as a residency director. At his point in life one also tends to be attracted to the members of the opposite sex; the decisions at this point could be self serving or simply just wrong but a relationship borne out of such a decision in this stage rarely lasts as one discovered that they were only attracted to the person because of one thing, their sexuality (Feldman 2005). In an analysis of all the theories, then it is safe to conclude that JD is in fact a normal healthy human being compared to any standards. Despite a few flaws here and there, he is emotional stable and mentally sound. He is a hard working member of the community and in no way a perfect person. A balance is therefore necessary; a balance of all the elements of personality development. This balance means that one is tolerable and consequently of sound abilities. JD has friends and family around him who love him and appreciate him; his childish nature has been described as a very normally way to avoid getting overwhelmed since he is in a demanding career. The fact that he is father means that he is a man who will do everything to ensure that his son never lacks anything and hopefully. In conclusion the theories of personality are meant to try and establish criteria through which a human being develops; they try and explain why human personalities are different and at times we all happen to go through the same things in life. Psychosocial characteristics are meant to establish how and why a person relates to others the way they do. It explains person’s social characteristic within the social context. Cognitive development explains tries to understand how humans acquire knowledge and therefore deduces a person’s personality through this process of learning. In the end we have the psychosocial development that is mainly focused on the sexual drive in human beings and how people’s personalities develop as a result of undergoing these urges; a balance and control of these urges at different stages in life means that one will end up with a good personality. But in the end a balance of almost all elements remains desirable; depending on the theories a balance of all these attributes means that one is of good nature and therefore a good human being to be with. References: Dacey John S & Travers John F. (2002). Human Development across the Lifespan. Boston: McGraw-Hill. Feldman Robert S. (2005). Development across the life Span, Upper Saddle River, N. J: Prentice Hall. Leifer G & Hartston H. (2004). Growth and Development across the Lifespan: A health Promotion Focus. St. Louis, Mo: Saunders.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ageing Experience And Psychological Well Being Social Work Essay

Ageing Experience And Psychological Well Being Social Work Essay There are two potential determinates that might influence quality of life and psychological well-being of elderly people. Firstly there are the objective factors that are income, health, status and age and intuitively, usually having more of these things means greater quality of life. However, in various research based on happiness of the elderly people, objective factors are less powerful than one might expect as Lyubomirsky et al; cited in the research article titled ‘Psychological Acceptance and quality Of Life in the Elderly,'(2007). The research suggested that objective factors account for about 8 to 15 % of the difference in happiness. So, †Do people get less happy as they get older?† and their well- being while ageing has been discussed by various researchers in order to define the concept of successful ageing but there is still a lack of consensus on what defines a successful ageing. The various researches on the relationship between old age and well-being have been at many times assessed through life satisfaction, happiness and morale. 2.2 Theories of ageing In attempting to explain the ageing process and moreover the elderly experience with family support in this particular study, the theories of ageing, which describes the ageing process and what it implies will be taken into account. 2.2.1 Activity theory, developed by Havighurst and associates in 1953, asserts that remaining active and engaged with society is primordial to satisfaction in old age. The theory asserts that positive relationships in the aged individual’s level of participation in social activity leads to life satisfaction as active aging equals successful aging. Activity can be physical or intellectual in nature so as to replace those interests and relationships that have been diminished or lost over time. This theory proposes that elderly people need to remain active in a variety of social spheres as for instance with family or friends because activity is pr eferable to inactivity as it facilitates well-being on multiple levels that is assuming that activity is vital to well-being. Activity theory proposes that social activity and involvement with others results in an increased ability to cope with aging, improved self-concept, and enhanced emotional adjustment to the aging process (Lee, 1985). 2.2.2 Disengagement theory was proposed by Cumming and Henry (1961). This theory states that ‘aging is an inevitable, mutual withdrawal or disengagement; resulting in decreased interaction between the ageing person and others in the social system he belongs to’ (Cumming and Henry, 1961, p.2). Disengagement theory thus assumes that social involvement decreases with aging and that successful ageing is best achieved through abandoning social roles and relationships and by the individual reducing both activities and involvement. Proponents of this theory maintain that this separation is desired by society and older adults, and serves as such to maintain social equilibrium. While high morale is evident at the completion of the process, the transition is characterized by low morale. However, this theory has been strongly criticized by researchers who found a lack of evidence from older people disengaging from their surroundings. Whereas older people social relationships change and that they possibly have fewer ties, it was found that these relationships were often deeper and more significant.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Marketing Research assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Research 2 - Assignment Example The benefit of this test is that it is cheaper to implement compared to other standard market tests. The effectiveness of the test will be measured by the number of additional customers that are attracted by the free buffet offer. These can be considered as the dependent variables DV), and their number will indicate the success rate of the market test. It will also indicate the number of return clients, who can be associated with the offer of the free breakfast snack. 2. Design a test of a new pricing strategy for orange juice concentrate. The brand is an established brand, and we are only interested in testing the effect of a 5 percent price increase and a 5 percent price decrease. All other elements of the marketing mix will remain the same. This can be achieved through a standard market test. It is good to select specific outlets within the company’s distribution channels. The best way is to implement 5 per cent price increase in at least 10 major outlets, and implement a 5 per cent price decrease in a similar number of outlets. The selected outlets should be scattered adequately to represent the national market outlook. The selected outlets represent the Independent Variables. The best timeline that can give a clear response should be about 20 days. The performances of the selected outlets should be used to determine market response. Therefore, any increase or decrease in the number of customers represents the dependent variables (DV). This should then be compared to the performance of the other outlets that were not involved in the study within the same time

Engineering Materials, Manufacturing and Electrical Machines Essay

Engineering Materials, Manufacturing and Electrical Machines - Essay Example This conversion is carried out by deforming the metal permanently by the application of forces on it. The desired form or final shape of the metal defines which type of deformation process has to be applied. Physical and mechanical properties of metal such as strength, hardness, brittleness, elasticity, plasticity, malleability, toughness, grain structure, isotropic behavior etc. also play an important role in deciding which kind of manufacturing process is to be used. Metals are generally ductile materials with a large plastic range on stress strain curve. This is due to the metallic bond present in them (Askeland, 2009: 33). The stress strain curve of mild steel is shown here, (although it will be different for each metal, it will follow more or less the same pattern): The area after the yield point is the plastic range of mild steel. Clearly, it can undergo significant amount of plastic deformation before it finally fractures. Same is true for other materials. Hence, to form a material in to desired shapes, plastic deformation is a desirable process. There are many different yield criteria which tell us the stress required to cause permanent yielding in a material. Out of these Tresca criterion is considered suitable for ductile materials (Marciniak et al., 2002: 20). It suggests that yielding occurs (or plastic deformation starts) at a point when shear stress crosses a certain limit. Formability of a metal is its ability to deform in to desired shape or form without failure. Failure can be due to different physical phenomenon like shearing or necking etc. (Kalpakjian and Schmid, 2001: 424). One of the earlier developed tests is Cupping Test. In this test, a steel ball or any circular profile made of steel is pressed against the sheet with uniform increment of stress. The depth to which the sheet can be deformed is a measure of its formability. This method however has its own limitations as the results obtained are specific to the test conditions. The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How changes in technology and the emergence of a global economy might Essay

How changes in technology and the emergence of a global economy might affect college graduates seeking jobs , and what new skill - Essay Example First of all, communication across cultures is the most important skill one should possess in the global economy. It is essential in the present business world to communicate with people from various cultural backgrounds. Undoubtedly, today’s workplace is rapidly becoming vast as business spreads to new geographic locations. So, knowing how to communicate with various cultures will make business transactions and management easy. Thus, recognizing cultural differences can ensure that the business transactions are successful. In fact, people from dissimilar cultural backgrounds have different ways of communication. This may result in poor communication, and consequently in misunderstanding and frustration. In such a global business arena, it becomes necessary for management students to have good cross cultural communication skills. In fact, the consequences of poor cross-cultural communication are plenty. In the opinion of Don W. Prince et al, they are â€Å"lost confidence, lo st customers, lost business relationships, and lost opportunities† (Prince & Hoppe, 2007, p. 30). The second important skill is computer skills. One cannot think about a business in the modern day world that functions without the aid of a computer. Presently, computer is used by employees at all levels in a company.

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Advertising is influenced by Ethics Research Paper

How Advertising is influenced by Ethics - Research Paper Example the literature review below, a comprehensive discussion on the different aspect of ethics and its influence on advertising for healthcare segment has been stated, which will assist the readers in getting a glimpse of the control that ethical advertising has on healthcare segment. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Influence of Ethics in Advertising Advertisements influence the thought process of the people and modify their outlook and behavior for the environment around them and the world. Therefore, moral principles, which are better known to be ethics, should be taught and understood by the advertisers, so that they can positively deliver the message that they intend to transmit. Ethics in advertising involves certain moral principles that have crucial role. The moral principle mainly emphasize on truthfulness, social dignity and responsibility of human beings. Truthfulness or honesty is the first characteristics that every advertisement must possess. Misrepresentation of information or exag geration should be strictly avoided. On the other hand, human dignity should not be harmed through advertisement, through criticism that violates rights or involves discriminations on any grounds. Ethics is just the starting point in advertising. The ethical decisions that are taken by the advertisers are generally complex and it includes steering through a moral maze of contradictory forces. When advertisements are developed by marketers, contradictions are apparent between cost and ethics, strategy and ethics or effectiveness and ethics. It is the obligation of the advertiser or the advertising professional to have an absolute knowledge of the industry standards, so that tactics can be executed without barring the industry norms. In these situations, aspects like personal judgment and... According to a customer, advertising is a way by which marketers can demonstrate about their product and lure them to buy it. However, advertising is not mere a lure game. It goes beyond just showing what is there to be sold. It is a serious business, which might cost lives of customers if not ethically done. In this research paper, the focus was on exploring the influence of ethics in advertising in healthcare marketing. Healthcare marketing involves promoting medicines, healthcare service by hospital and physicians, etc. Ethics is the most significant characteristics in advertising, but in healthcare segment, it is further important because it involves well-being of humans and animals too. Every country has their set of regulations and code of ethics for advertising, marketing or promotion. However, innumerable cases of misrepresentation, unethical practice, exaggeration, false claims, etc reveal that there are loop hole in codes of ethics which are being taken advantage of. There are no restrictions on freedom of speech or expression in any country, but it would be recommended that stricter laws for advertisement selection or broadcasting on television or online platforms.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

HST130SP4 The Fall of the Roman Republic 1000words Paper Essay

HST130SP4 The Fall of the Roman Republic 1000words Paper - Essay Example 269). Although these two statesmen were born in different eras and had different family backgrounds, both had marked similarities of thoughts and values aside from being novus homo or â€Å"new man†, along with Cicero. A novus homo is a Roman who got elected to the position of consul, the highest elected position in Rome then, even without having ascendants who were themselves consuls (Mellor 1999 p 40). One similar trait between Cato and Marius was their anti-Hellenistic attitudes. To Cato the Greeks personify material indulgence which was abhorrent to most Roman aristocrats. Cato who also held the position of a censura, the highest Roman magistrate, spoke against Romans who took to wearing Greek dresses, visited the gymnasium and imitated the hedonistic way of Greek lifestyle. Similarly, Marius looked down on Greeks as militarily inferior and refused to learn the Greek literature on the ground that it was ridiculous to learn from teachers who were subjugated by another people (Isaac 2006 pp 387-388). In addition, both men were ambitious although Marius was a little bit overambitious, as can be gleaned from the way they lived their lives, running for the consulship position after serving in wars, with Marius having been elected for seven times. Both are driven men: Cato in accumulating riches through accumulation of agricultural estates, and; Marius for glory in warfare and politic s (Humphrey 2006 pp 137-138; Boatwright, et al 2004 p172). In addition, the fact that both men were able to have themselves voted to the highest elected position, the first in their families, attest to their ambitious nature. Statesmen who rose to prominence on their own without the backing of ancestral nobility are examples of â€Å"the ideology of novitas,† a principle espoused by the likes of Cato, Marius and Cicero. The ideology put emphasis on personal valor rather than on the standard Roman aristocratic principle of ancestral right. Romans that

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Exploring Organisations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Exploring Organisations - Research Paper Example Information was gathered on several main areas by searching the given case study, academic libraries, websites and reports. Best Management Practices that include the proper handling, storage and disposal of oil should be adopted instead of dumping the oil into near by river . Purchase recycled products such as oil and grease. By doing so, you help ensure a use for recyclable materials. Wash greasy equipment such as vents and vehicles in designated wash areas with an appropriate oil/water separator before storing outside. Ensure that designated wash areas are properly connected to the sewer system. To solve issues autocratic management and issues in communication between the strategic management and the works manager and works staff caused due to the resignation of works director which in turn led to many disputes: Democratic style: In contrast to the autocratic style, the organization should use democratic decision-taking in many parts of the business. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute ideas to the decision. There are two types of democratic decision-making: To solve disputes arising out of lack of involvement and communication with the work force and issues arising out of scientific management approach which leads to very little communication with work force exists: Open door policy should be adopted in certain areas t... Recommendations To solve pollution issue caused by leakage of oil from servicing vehicles to near by river: Best Management Practices that include the proper handling, storage and disposal of oil should be adopted instead of dumping the oil into near by river . Purchase recycled products such as oil and grease. By doing so, you help ensure a use for recyclable materials. Wash greasy equipment such as vents and vehicles in designated wash areas with an appropriate oil/water separator before storing outside. Ensure that designated wash areas are properly connected to the sewer system. To solve issues autocratic management and issues in communication between the strategic management and the works manager and works staff caused due to the resignation of works director which in turn led to many disputes: Democratic style: In contrast to the autocratic style, the organization should use democratic decision-taking in many parts of the business. Everyone has the opportunity to contribute ideas to the decision. There are two types of democratic decision-making: 1. Persuasive democratic management - here the leader makes the decision first and then persuades employees that he or she has made the right decision 2. Consultative democratic management - this involves the group contributing to the decision making process, with the leader making the final decision. To solve disputes arising out of lack of involvement and communication with the work force and issues arising out of scientific management approach which leads to very little communication with work force exists: Open door policy should be adopted in certain areas to make the work force feel important. Their views and problems should be attended to sincerely and they should be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing Essay - 1

Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing - Essay Example The proverb says: â€Å"A leader knows the way and a leader shows the way.† This describes what a leader should be. The methods of leadership differ as we come across different disciplines, but the ideals of leadership are similar everywhere. My personal view on leadership is that the leader should know the visions and goals of the group he or she is leading and know how to accomplish this goal utilizing the resources available. In my opinion, a leader is also a manager, as he has to manage his resources properly. A group without a charismatic leader is like a building without a strong foundation. It can collapse anytime. As mentioned above, there are several aspects of management in leadership. But management is only a part of leadership, and leadership has many other constituents in it. In a document by Thomas International Ltd (2008), it is written that leaders manage long-term goals and they are entitled to inspire their group. The leaders decide the targets and time-frames for the group. They must impart clearly what output is expected from their group and the methods and ideals that must be followed by the group members. Managers are to handle matters rather diplomatically, and they are assigned to manage the processes in producing the output that the leader has indicated. Their job is rather appointive or directive. Skills in concept making, public relations, and technology are expected from them. For example, in a company, its CEO is the leader and its HR manager is a person who manages processes in building the output set by the CEO. As for nursing, we have nursing stations in every hospital , and a nursing administrator will be present as a leader of other nursing personnel in order to provide sophisticated nursing services to the patients. A note from the Ethiopia Public Health Training Initiative by the Addis Ababa University defines leadership in nursing as follows:

Human Resource Management and the Banking Sector Essay Example for Free

Human Resource Management and the Banking Sector Essay tHuman resource management and the banking sector By Imran Samad Human resource management (HRM) has long been overlooked in the corporate sector in the country where a small section, comprising mostly the multi-national companies was practising the same. With the growing realization of proper HRM in the corporate sector, it has grown into an important activity. Now the head of HRM is an important member of the senior teams of any thriving business. Although the idea is new for many local businesses where entrepreneurs are at the beginning of the learning curve yet in reality the theme is getting support from the organized entrepreneurs. The banking sector has grown from a few institutions primarily involved in deposit acceptance and trade finance into a complex multi player markets where large number of commercial banks, financial institutions and specialized banks are operating with various products and activities. The banking has become a complex activity within the financial market linked directly and indirectly with an over-all national growth and its impact as an integral part of regional segment of a global banking environment. Almost every bank and financial institution is involved in various functions in a days job and thus requires a highly effective team and appropriate manpower to run the show. Corporate goals are translated into viable realities and profits only with human element who play their due role in achieving the desired results. Thus even the high automation would require proper man behind the machine to make things happen. This idea has been realized by top managements in progressive banks. Like many other organized sectors, banking requires a multi layer manpower for its various requirements of professionals and support staff. The range may require reasonably educated security guards on the one end and a highly educated and trained professional as head of corporate finance at the other. With liberalization of activities within the banking sector, for example, more emphasis on consumer and house finance and personal loans, etc. banking has turned itself into a more market-based business where banks have expanded their reach more to customers door steps in a big way making banking more practical. This has further highlighted the need for proper deployment of man-power to run banks efficiently. For many years, HRM banks like other institutions have been handling this sensitive activity through respective personnel departments. This means human resources were managed like other physical assets e. g. pieces of furniture, calculators, equipment and appliances. Personnel departments were primarily engaged in approval of leaves, handling of staff loans, issuance of show cause, conducting disciplinary enquiries and termination from service. Recruitment was a routine function and was done in a mechanical way to hire people with specific educational background irrespective of their real value to the institution. Success stories of large banking companies have been evident of the fact that HRM is quite different from management of physical assets. Human brain has its own peculiar chemistry. Its strong sensory and decision-making capacity has to be greatly emphasized by the employers. The work force constituting all levels of employees are constantly thinking in many dimensions. On the one hand it is the assigned duty and task they are to perform and for which they are paid by their employer, on the other they think of their long run goals and objectives. By no means, their brains can be controlled to think beyond the current situation of employment. Managing this educated, skillful and trustworthy work force is not an easy job. A few of the current challenges faced by the banking industry in terms of human resource management may be the following: Effective work force:Â  A time-consuming and hectic job is to hunt the right talent. Its just sitting by the river and waiting for the right fish to catch. Higher the professional value of the vacancy, tougher is the search. Identifying the right stuff followed by negotiation is the element which makes the job tough for the employer. Banks are keenly interested to fill up two types of breads of professionals. Ones who are outstanding professionals with high job hopping attitude these are those who come in work for some time and then leave for better prospects. Others are those who are keenly picked-up, trained and are some how retained to be developed as future management within the bank. Management trainees are a growing popular phenomenon where freshly qualified business graduates are engaged by banks and a certain percentage of these well equipped professionals stay back within the organization to grow into the footsteps of senior managers. Banking jobs being apparently lucrative for many, attract a large number of candidates against advertised vacancies in media creating a large data base management problem. This has been facilitated by specialised hiring agencies who may take up the job of hiring in case of large number of vacancies. Right people:Â  The most difficult agenda of HRM across the banking sector is to retain the right people. Sudden growth of retail banking and other services has put pressure on HR mangers in banks to engage more professionals within shorter span of time thereby attracting manpower in other banks on attractive packages has made the job market very competing. A bank in a normal course invests time and money to hire and train the appropriate work force for its own operations. This ready-made force is often identified and subsequently picked-up on better terms by others. Compensation:Â  How much to pay to the right employee and how much to the outstanding performer. Banks have traditionally followed pay scales with predetermined increments, salary slabs, bonuses and time-based fringe benefits like car and house advance, gratuity, pension, etc. The situation is not the same anymore. An increment of Rs500-800 per annum is no more a source of attraction for a professional anymore. A basic pay with traditional formulas of linkage with medical and other facilities has no soothing effect today. A promise of future growth, learning culture and corporate loyalty is out of dictionary and does not mean anything to this energetic and competent performer today. A waiting period of 3-4 years in each cadre haunts the incumbents who strongly believe in immediate compensation. There are examples to this. Thanks to the car financing modalities car is no more a fantasy item any more. A freshly hired professional requires a brand new car or car loan on resuming office quite contrary to his previous breed of bankers who would wait for the job seniority to qualify for a car loan. Job satisfaction: Everybody in the bank wants to work in the preferential department, preferential location, city of his own choice and boss of his liking. An administrative deviation from any of these results in lowered job satisfaction. Although hiring is normally based on regional requirement matching the area of activity with that of employees nativity yet other elements like appointment in the department of choice and preference makes the job of HR manager quite challenging. What the HR manger cannot afford is the dissatisfied employee who not only disrupts the smooth working himself but also spreads the negativity to others by his de-motivated attitude. Morale boosting:Â  What has long been overlooked is the morale boosting of the employees by the organizations. Human beings even if satisfied of material wellbeing need to be appraised and encouraged constantly. Smart banks have realized this need and have taken steps to keep their work force motivated through proper encouragement like man of the month awards, repeat get-togethers, conferences, sports events, dinners, company sponsored travel, reunions, etc. This is the way employees create a feeling of belongingness.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation Essay Example for Free

Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation Essay Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation I choose Carl Sagan as one of the people that I felt has given a great contribution to the world. Carl Sagan was born in Brooklyn, New York the son of an immigrant worker from the Russian Empire. Name after his mother’s mother. Carl had a sister and his mother was very protective of him. Carl’s mother was not up to par to fit in the social life, so she was restricted. When his parents took him to the New York World Fair, Carl was so excited when he saw the burial of a time capsule, stars and other exhibits that would lead to his inquisitiveness about the world. Later in life Carl and others would build time capsules, but these would be sent out into space for other life forms to find and they would contain Carl’s memories form the world fair. Carl’s parents helped his growing interest for science by buying him books about science and chemistry sets. He loved to read the books about science fiction stories, by writers such as H. G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs, they made his imagination even wilder his about whether there was life on other planets such as Mars, Jupiter and Venus. Carl attended the University of Chicago and received his bachelors and was a part of the Ryerson Astronomical Society. He got received his Bachelors of Science in Physics, a Master of Science in physics and a PhD In astrophysics and astronomy. Carl was denied tenure at Harvard, because of his scientific advocacy, being widely publicized. Carl Sagan was a great astronomer, cosmologist, author, astrophysicist, science communicator, and science popularizer. Because of his great inquiries as to what did what and how come Carl thought about if there was truly life outside of the earth. He was the first to actually make the first messages that were sent into space. He studied the earth, stars, planets, he made messages that he thought could be understood by the extraterrestrials. He had over 600 articles published that  were scientific and authored or co-authored more than 20 books. The award winning series named Cosmos was also by Carl Sagan. He was a professor in astronomy at the Unive rsity of Cornell; he was part of the NASA as an advisor. Because of the Cosmos people were able to better relate and understand Carl’s ideas about the worthiness of the human race. Carl did his thinking the best way that he knew and that was to do it his way. Because of Carl they were able to learn the high surface temperature on the planet Venus, was due to the dryness. He was also the first to think about Saturn’s moon Titan may have contains liquids on the surface and that the Jupiter’s moon Europa might have oceans. Carl did organized research on such projects as Near Earth Objects, he composed the Deflection Dilemma, which would be deflecting an asteroid away from the Earth, and then it could be possible to deflect it back to the earth. During his career Sagan would be very much criticized as to his soundness, when it came to extraterrestrial life. Carl loved to urge people to listen using radio telescopes to see if they could hear signals from outer space that could help him prove that there were other life forms. Due to the lack of belief call stated a petition and was able to get 70 scientists to sign it advocating the SETI that was also p ublished in his journal of Science. Carl would later go on to explain his theories and use science to reveal them to the world. His life force was dedicated to science. Under President Regan rained there was to be a Strategic Defense Initiative, that would cost billions of dollars but it would develop a defense against nuclear missile attacks, an Carl was against this because he felt that there was no real way to do this and by doing so would unbalance the Soviet Union and United States making progress in the arms agreement. There was an experiment called : The Nevada Desert Experience† is where Carl would later be arrested twice for climbing a fence at the protest at the Nevada Test Site in order to protest against the government for using test sites that were experimenting in the Nuclear weapons and they where they were conducting the detonations. Carl was also noted as a free spirit and free thinker. References Whitehouse, David (October 15, 1999). Carl Sagan: A life in the cosmos. BBC News (BBC). Retrieved August 30, American National Biography Online, Carl Sagan. Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia Bansky is the second person that I choose to write on. Bansky is a very creative artist that did street and wall graffiti, painter, film director and political activist. No one really knew is real name or when he was born. He was the son of a technician, was born in Bristol England. Originally he was trained to be a butcher. Some say that his work is similar to that of Blek le Rat. Bansky was impressed by an artist known as 3D who was a member of a group called Massive Attack. Bansky displays his art to the public but he does not sell photo graphics are reproductions of his work. His first movie was called Exit through the Gift Shop was a disaster. His art is part of the Bristol Underground Scene. He like the way that stencils would help to use less time to complete a project. Bansky hid from the police while using stencils as a cover while he created his work. There was a statement to be made in each one of Bansky’s art works. Bansky works are usually all anti something. He d id not approve of the way that people considered art on surfaces as graffiti. He wanted to show that it was real art and start to do mural and other such art on public building and public places. Bansky, did his first exhibit in Los Angeles at the 33 1/3 Gallery and the exhibit called Existentialism, later he would produce such exhibits like Turf Wars, Monet’s Water Lily Pond, Barely Legal, and Bansky effect. The Bansky effect is a way of not just tagging but using art to express things and making areas brighter and pleasant to look at. There is not a particular technique Bansky used whatever he thought to be use full at the time. Bansky art has been known to be thought as a way of revenge for the underclass. To tag a mother persons art is disrespectful, and represents them taking away power or territory and not upholding the rules. Bansky’s works can be so different but beautiful when he does his art although it is considered graffiti it is beautiful. He developed a quantity of spoof British money notes, where the head was not the Queens but the Princess Diana’s and text was changed from the Bank of England to Bansky of England. Although they were not re al notes today they are of great value. Bansky also was responsible for nine portraits on a bank wall in Palestine on the Israeli’s  West Bank. Bansky has a flare to make a mockery of centralized power, too state that power can work against you. When it came to politics, Bansky was thought to be anti-fascism, anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, anti-authoritarianism, nihilism, existentialism and anarchism. Bansky used images and visual as a means to create his art work. I felt that h could have made his work more realistic by not adding things to make the true scene a joke. But when there is an artist they can only put what they feel is their style of art. Bansky was also responsible for Money Bart of the Simpsons. I did not see any academic references. Bansky’s art was deprived from art and musicians. References Creative ThinkersBanksy creates new Simpsons title sequence. BBC Banksy, Street Art Cult Hero, International Man of Mystery. The Village Voice./ Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A leader must have followers

A leader must have followers It is a relationship through which one person influences the behavior or actions of other people. A leader must have followers. Leaders create a vision and then communicate the vision to his followers. Leader energies, inspire and motivate others to translate the vision into achievement. A good leader must have qualities, personality, characteristics or traits. Leadership traits include personal magnetism or charisma (gift from GOD), interpersonal skills, analytical thinking, imagination, decisiveness, trustworthiness, persuasiveness, self motivation, flexibility and vision. There are some styles of leadership: Autocratic: The manager makes all the decisions and issues instructions which must be obeyed without question. Advantages: Quick decisions can be made when speed is required It is most efficient type of leadership for highly programmed, routine work Disadvantages: Communication between the manager and subordinate will be one way. There may be lack of helpful feedback It does not encourage contribution or initiative from subordinates Persuasive: The manger still makes all the decisions, but explains them to subordinates, and attempts to motivate subordinates to carry them out willingly. Advantages: Selling decisions to staff might make them more willing Staff will have a better idea of what to do when unforeseen events arise in their work, because the manager will have explained his intensions. Disadvantages: Subordinates will not necessarily be committed to decisions in which they have not been involved There is no contribution or feedback of subordinates Democratic: Leader and followers make the decision together, on the basis of consensus, or compromise and agreement. Advantages: It can provide high commitment to the decision reached It takes advantage of the knowledge and expertise of individuals in different areas, for high quality, flexible decision making Disadvantages: The authority of the manager might be undermined Decision making might become a very long process Clear cut decisions might be difficult to reach Participative: The manager confers with subordinates and takes their views and feelings into account, but retains the right to make the final decision. Advantages: Employees are involved in decisions. This encourages motivation through greater interest and involvement. Employees can contribute knowledge and experience, to help in solving problems related to their work. Disadvantages: it might take longer to reach decisions subordinates might be limited in their viewpoint on organizational issues if the manager does not take employees advice, they might perceive the process to be meaningless P7: explain the different motivational theories and their application within the workplace Motivation: Motivation is the driving force which causes us to achieve goals. Motivation may be rooted in the basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired object, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less apparent reasons such as altruism, selfishness, morality, or avoiding mortality. F.W. Taylor: Taylor made the first serious attempt to analyze worker motivation in order to advise management on the best ways to increase worker performance or productivity. The techniques he used of establishing an idea or an hypothesis, studying and recording performance at work, altering working methods and re-recording performance are still used in modern industry. This approach has become known as scientific management due to the detailed recording and analysis of results that it involved. His main aim was to reduce the level of inefficiency that existed in the US manufacturing industry. The scope for efficiency gains in early twentieth century manufacturing plants was huge. The vast mass of workers were untrained and non-specialized. They were poorly led by supervisors and managers with little or no formal training in dealing with people. There was usually no formal selection or appraisal system of staff and many were recruited on a daily or weekly basis with no security of employment. How to improve productivity (Taylors scientific approach): Select workers to perform a task. Observe them performing the task and note the key elements of it. Record the time taken to do each part of the task. Identify the quickest method recorded. Train all workers in this quickest method and do not allow them to make any changes in it. Supervise workers to ensure that this best way is being carried out and to time them to check that the set time is not being exceeded. Pay workers on the basis of results (based on the theory of economic man) The theory of economic man was widely held, and Taylor himself supported this notion. The view was that man was driven or motivated by money alone and the only factor that could stimulate further effort was the chance of earning extra money. He always maintained that workers should be paid a fair days pay for a fair days work and that the amount should be directly linked up to output through a system known as piece rate. This means paying workers a certain amount for each unit produced. To encourage high output a low rate per unit can be set for the first units produced and then higher rates become payable if output targets are exceeded. Elton Mayo: Elton Mayo is best known for his Hawthorne Effect conclusions. These were based on a series of experiments he and his team conducted over a five year period at the Hawthorne factory of Western Electric Co. in Chicago. His work was initially based on the assumption that working conditions (lightning, heating, rest periods and so on) had a scientific effect on workers productivity. Experiments were undertaken to establish the optimum working conditions at all. The results surprised all observers, as lightning and all other conditions were changed, both improved and worsened, so productivity rose in all groups including the control group. This forced Mayo to accept that: Working conditions in themselves were not that important in determining productivity levels Other motivational factors needed to be investigated further before conclusions could be drawn. Subsequent experiments were carried out with a group of assembly line workers. Changes to rest periods, payment systems, assembly bench layout and canteen food were made at twelve week intervals. Crucially, before every major change, the researchers discussed the new changes with the work group. At the end of the experiments the working conditions and work hours were returned to how they had been before the start of the trial. Output rose far above the original level. Maslow hierarchy theory: Maslows hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. Then in 1954 this theory was fully expressed in his book Motivation and Personality. Maslows hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid, with the largest and most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom, and the need for self-actualization at the top. The most fundamental and basic four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called deficiency needs or d-needs: esteem , friendship and love, security, and physical needs. With the exception of the most fundamental (physiological) needs, if these deficiency needs are not met, the body gives no physical indication but the individual feels anxious and tense. Maslows theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs. Maslows hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom: This hierarchy was interpreted by Maslow as follows: individuals needs start on the lowest level once one level of need has been satisfied, humans will strive to achieve the next level self-actualization or self-fulfillment is not reached by many people but everyone is capable of reaching their potential once a need has been satisfied it will no longer motivate individuals to action, thus when material needs have been satisfied the offer of more money will not increase productivity Herzberg and the Two factor theory: Despite basing his research on just 200 professionally qualified workers, Herzbergs conclusions and famous two factor theory have had the greatest impact on motivational practices since Taylors work almost 60 years earliest. His research was based around questionnaires and interviews with employees with the intension of discovering: those factors that led to them having very good feelings about their jobs and those factors that led to them having very negative feelings about their jobs. His conclusions were that: Job satisfaction resulted from five main factors: achievement, recognition for achievement, the work itself, responsibility and advancement. He called these factors the motivators. He considered the last three to be the most significant. Job dissatisfaction resulted from five different factors: company policy and administration, supervision, salary, relationships with others and working conditions. He termed these hygiene factors. These were the factors that surround the job itself (extrinsic factors) rather than the work itself (intrinsic factors). Herzberg considered that the hygiene factors had to be addressed by management to prevent dissatisfaction, but even if they were in place they would not, by themselves, create a well-motivated workforce. Vrooms theory: Vrooms theory assumes that behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. The key elements to this theory are referred to as Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence. The Expectancy Theory of Victor Vroom deals with motivation and management. Vrooms theory assumes that behavior results from conscious choices among alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. Together with Edward Lawler and Lyman Porter, Vroom suggested that the relationship between peoples behavior at work and their goals was not as simple as was first imagined by other scientists. Vroom realized that an employees performance is based on individuals factors such as personality, skills, knowledge, experience and abilities. The expectancy theory says that individuals have different sets of goals and can be motivated if they believe that: There is a positive correlation between efforts and performance, Favorable performance will result in a desirable reward, The reward will satisfy an important need, The desire to satisfy the need is strong enough to make the effort worthwhile. P8: Assess the relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management. Payment or financial reward system: Hourly wage rate: This is the most common way of paying manual, clerical and non-management workers. An hourly time rate is set for the job perhaps by comparing with other firms or similar jobs and the wage level is determined by multiplying this by the number of hours worked. This total is usually paid weekly. Piece rate: A rate is fixed for the production of each unit, and the workers wages therefore depend on the quantity of output produced. The piece rate can be adjusted to reflect the difficulty of the job and the standard time needed to complete it. These issues are determined by work study. The level of the rate can be very important. If set too low it could demotivate the workers but if too high it could reduce the incentives, because workers will be able to meet their target wage level by producing relatively few units. Salary: This is an annual sum that is usually paid on a monthly basis. It is the most common form of payment for professional, supervisory and management staff. The salary level is fixed each year and it is not dependent on the number of hours worked (time rate) or the number of units produced (piece rate). The fixing of the salary level for each job is a very important process because it helps to determine the status of that post in the whole organization. Job evaluation techniques may be used to assist in deciding the salary bands and the differences between them. In most organizations, all jobs will be put into one of a number of salary bands and the precise income earned within each band will depend upon experience and progress. It is always possible to gain promotion to another job in a higher salary band. Firms that are interested in creating a single status within their organization are now increasingly putting all staff manual and managerial on to annual salaries to give the benefi ts of security and status to all employees. Example of salary bands: Job grade Salary band (per year) Regional heads Rs.100000 Rs.200000 Departmental heads Rs.50000 Rs.75000 Office managers Rs.30000 Rs.40000 Secretaries Rs.15000 Rs.25000 Junior clerical staff Rs.5000 Rs.10000

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Information Technology and the Other Degree Programs :: essays research papers

Information Technology and the Other Degree Programs Introduction This paper is primarily about the Information Technology Department and how the Information Systems, the Computer Science Departments, and Computer Engineering courses relate to Information Technology. Each of these specialties has their similarities and differences to the Information Technology department. Georgia Southern University has a strong College of Information Technology, which offers three disciplines, which are the Computer Science Department, the Information Systems Department, and the Information Technology Department. Information Technology, according to the Information Technology handout in class, can best be defined by â€Å"The typically electronic tools and techniques for gathering, storing, manipulating, and analyzing, and communicating information† (â€Å"Information Technology† handout from Web CT pg 2). Information Technology technicians sometimes overlap with Computer Engineering, Information Systems, and Computer Science departments. Students wishing to major in Information Technology must take a second discipline. This builds knowledge in other areas as they pertain to Information Technology. There is an internship that students must take, but receive no credit. There are fewer maths, and less programming, and there are no business classes in this area of specialization unless the second discipline is a business course. The Information Technology curriculum overlaps Computer Science, and Information Systems curriculum. Information Technology majors graduate with a Bachelor s of Science degree. Computer Engineering is the designing and building of the hardware for the actual computer. Georgia Southern University has no specific degree for a Computer Engineer. They have several engineering programs in the School of Technology that students can get an engineering degree and go on to become a Computer Engineer. Computer Engineers take more math than Information Technology majors. The Information Technology majors must take a second discipline, while Computer Engineers majors do not have to take a second discipline. Computer Engineering majors graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Information Systems primarily deals with business, and uses technology to enhance business and creates solutions for business. Increasingly there is a stronger bond between technology and business. The Information Systems technician understands that bond, and is able to translate for technology and business. Information Systems majors do not take any Information Technology classes. Information Systems has many more business classes than the Information Technology curriculum, which basically has no business classes. Information Systems graduate with a Bachelors of Business Administration, instead of a Bachelors of Science degree. Computer Science is primarily about programming. The Computer Science department takes many more programming classes, and puts strong emphasis on Java, which is a high level machine language.

Amos 9 :: essays research papers fc

Exegetical Paper: Amos 9:5-10   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  -I will be examining Amos 9:5-10 The message that the author is trying to convey in Amos 9:5-10 is that YHWH has proven himself to the people to be a trustworthy and loyal God. He helped resurrect Israel, the Philistines and the Arameans. In turn these people, particularly the Israelites, have betrayed his trust by acting sinfully toward the kingdom of Israel. The Lord YHWH will judge those people of Israel who are called to do right but who choose to do wrong. The wrongdoers being those that have acted sinfully. Amos, in vision, saw the Lord standing upon the altar at Bethel. God has come for one thing and one thing alone, judgment. There is no escaping the Lord now, for wherever he stands, one can be seen. YHWH has an inescapable presence. Those whom he opposes can find no shelter; wherever they go, his eyes will follow. Wherever sinners flee from YHWH’s justice, it will overtake them. Not only does God have an inescapable presence, he also has the power to do virtually anything imaginable with the Earth. As mentioned in Amos 9:5-6: â€Å"The Lord, the LORD Almighty, he who touches the earth and it melts, and all who live in it mourn—the whole land rises like the Nile, then sinks like the river of Egypt—he who builds his lofty palace in the heavens and sets its foundation on the Earth, who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out over the face of the land—the LORD is his name.† Those whom sin or rebel against God will seek an unwanted response. W hether that unwanted resonse be an earthquake, volcano or any other natural disaster. If one is respectful of YHWH they will be respected back in turn and will someday be brought to heaven. Those whom God brings to heaven by his grace, shall never be cast down; but those who seek to climb up by vain confidence in themselves, will be cast down and filled with shame and embarrassment. That which makes escape impossible. YHWH will set his eyes upon them for evil, not for good. If one is honestly sin-free they will someday find heaven but as for those whom have sinned and then turn around and to try and make it up to the Lord, they will never seek his approval therefore not resorting to heaven.

Friday, July 19, 2019

College Admissions Essay - Selling Your Disability :: College Admissions Essays

Selling Your Disability to the Admissions Office "My father was an alcoholic, and I did anything I could to stay away from home. I chose that college because it was the farthest away. But I hated it there, and didn't do very well. Then I began to worry that I'd flunk out and have to go home, and of course my grades just got worse." "My mother was a drug addict. She did everything a person might do to get money for drugs. Often we didn't have food in the house; if there wasn't money for both, drugs came first. I ran away when I was sixteen, and never even finished high school. They figured that out in my third year of college, and made me take an equivalency test." "When my girlfriend got pregnant, we decided to keep the baby. I had to work two jobs to support us, three during the summer. So my grades aren't so hot." "They found out I had bone cancer in my senior year of high school; I hurt my knee playing basketball, and it wouldn't heal. I've had six operations in six years, along with the chemotherapy. But it didn't interfere with my studies; what else could I do in the hospital anyway?" Each of these cases was presented to me by my clients in the last few years. These clients all had two important things in common. The first is that they overcame incredible obstacles which would have completely demoralized many other people. The second is that, in every single case, the client was embarrassed by these events, and wanted to hide them. "Why should I talk about my problems?" Let's step back into the admissions office for a minute. The faculty committee is reviewing the files of two applicants. Both have a 3.0 g.p.a. and a 155 LSAT score. They're the same age and race, and both went to local colleges. But one is in good health, while the other has suffered from a lifelong kidney disease. They only have one seat left. Which applicant should they admit? They could toss a coin. Or they could decide that, in some cosmic sense, the person with kidney disease "deserves" the seat. Now what if you're that person, but don't want to tell the law school about the kidney disease, because you don't want to sound like you're asking for favors?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

International and Domestic Marketing Comparison Essay

In today’s world, business is commonly acknowledged as international and the general expectation is for this to continue into the foreseeable future. As the world continues to venture into global markets, not limiting business transactions to domestic markets, it is important to understand the similarities and differences of conducting business in those markets. The success of businesses in domestic and international markets is dependent on the accuracy and thoroughness of the marketing within the respective markets. With that in mind, this paper will compare and contrast international and domestic marketing with the use of selected international country, Germany, versus the United States. Domestic versus International Marketing Analyzing domestic and international businesses within the private and public sectors, the most common objective is successfully to function in order to continue operations. Although they share the same ultimate goals, international and domestic marketing are quite different. Generally, nation-states differ in the following areas:†¢Unique governing systems†¢Laws and regulations†¢Currencies†¢Taxes and duties†¢CultureBusinesses venturing into the international market must understand such differences along with recognizing similarities in buyer behaviors as they differ from country to country. Specific to Germany, a successful business venture must fully comprehend the foreign environment in order to effectively market a product or service. German vs. U.S. Culture One of the most important factors that have a major impact on marketing in Germany is culture. Germany’s culture includes a long history of musical talent and interest which has continued even in modern culture (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany ranks as the 5th largest market globally in music record sales and is heavily influenced by television (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany’s television market encompasses over 34 million households and is by far the largest market in Europe (ThinkQuest, 1999). Television viewers have options for cable or satellite and can choose from a variety of free-to-view public and commercial channels (ThinkQuest, 1999). Another major aspect of German culture is sports; two of the most popular being different types of motor racing and soccer (ThinkQuest, 1999). Practicality  is a very common characteristic of most Germans that would lead marketers to focus on introducing products and services with a clear purpose and value (ThinkQuest, 1999). U.S. culture, on the other hand, is quite different from German culture. Inspired by a combination of European ideals combined with domestic originality, U.S. culture encompasses traditions, ideals, beliefs, customs, arts, and innovation (USA Study Guide, 2007). Much of U.S. culture was not uniquely derived, but imported through colonization and immigration (USA Study Guide, 2007). America has a strong focus centered on civil liberties, national holidays, U.S. sports, and innovation of arts and entertainment. National holidays such as Memorial Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are celebrated across the country and many different businesses take advantage of such times to offer sale prices on products and services enticing customer purchases. Some of the most favorite sports include American football, basketball, and baseball, and Americans are known to spend lost of money during these events. The U.S. is an enormous exporter of entertainment including news, movie, and music. Different types of entertainment are communicated through a variety of venues including television which ranks as on of the top mass media of the U.S. (USA Study Guide, 2007). Statistics show that 97% of Americans own at least 1 television and most have at least three in their household (USA Study Guide, 2007). Advertising in America is much different from Germany, rather than the focus being on practicality, successful marketing in the U.S. highlights the trendiest fashions and creates an image that one just has to have a certain product. U.S. culture is ever-changing; it is not static, as the country is known as the largest melting pot in the world, and as new cultures migrate into the U.S. accepted by the majority, the culture continues to evolve. German vs. U.S Laws and Regulations In order to tap into the German international market, it is essential for a business to have a clarified understanding of the laws and regulations that govern marketing and advertising. Marketing and advertising in Germany is governed by very strict laws. In Germany advertising is defined by different types  including:†¢Product Placement†¢Permanent Advertising Programs†¢Teleshopping/Radio shopping(Zitierung, 1996)For example, in Germany, the most popular television stations are â€Å"Anstalten à ¶ffentlichen Rechts,† which means that they are not allowed to receive a profit (Zitierung, 1996). Such television stations are independent; therefore, government officials cannot directly influence their decisions (Zitierung, 1996). The top managers are appointed by councils who represent major groups within their society including popular political parties, churches, specific businesses, and unions (Zitierung, 1996). In this case, laws in place prescribe their purpose and internal structure (Zitierung, 1996). Operations are financed through monthly fees acquired from individuals who own either a radio or television (Zitierung, 1996). Financing through television or radio license fee is not permitted. Advertising is restricted to certain times of the day and never interrupts movies or news shows (Zitierung, 1996). Advertising on public television channels may not exceed 20 minutes during the workday, and on private channels may not exceed 20% of daily transmission time (Zitierung, 1996). Marketing and advertising in the U.S., although it is governed by laws and regulations, is much easier than advertising in Germany. Although much of the communication to Americans is monitored by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), laws and regulations are more specific to content of ads, antitrust laws, and intellectual property including copyrights and trademarks (, 2009). In comparison to governing laws in Germany, advertising on television, for example, is done more freely and frequently in the U.S. There are no strict guidelines that dedicate a small portion of time throughout the day for advertising, thus movies, news programs, and television shows are frequently interrupted for the sole purpose of advertising (, 2009). In fact, many advertising campaigns purchase prime time spots to run commercials for their product during the most popular television shows and sports games such as during NFL games and American Idol to name a few. German vs. U.S. Economy Germany’s economy is one that is heavily export-oriented, the country is the world’s leading exporter of merchandise,  and thus this is a key element in German macroeconomic expansion (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany’s currency is the Euro and its monetary policy is set by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt Germany (ThinkQuest, 1999). Germany’s financial system is not driven by the stock market; in fact, it is a financial system that is bank oriented. Employment is deregulated in Germany; the unemployment rate is a continuous problem, along with bureaucracy regulations that cause burdens on new and incumbent businesses (ThinkQuest, 1999). Agriculture is extremely productive in Germany; the country domestically produces over 90% of its needed nutrition and is known for its high level of industrialization (ThinkQuest, 1999). The U.S. economy differs greatly from the structure of the German economy. It is the largest national economy in the world maintaining a stable GDP growth rate and continued low unemployment rate (United States Department of Labor, 2009). The U.S. is one of the most significant nations in the world of international trade; the country leads the world in exports year over year while simultaneously remaining one of the top three exporters of goods (United States Department of Labor, 2009). U.S. currency is the American dollar and its banking system relies heavily on the stock market. The U.S. has major economic concerns as it related to external debt because as baby boomers are beginning to retire and collect Social Security, monies are running low (United States Department of Labor, 2009). ConclusionIn conclusion, Germany is quite different from the United States in terms of how the country operates including the government of marketing and advertising. An individual traveling from his home country to do business in a foreign country must conduct extensive market research prior to developing a marketing and advertising plan. It is essential to understand the different aspects of the country in order to effectively position and market a product or service. Doing business in a foreign country involves many different variables and more complexity than doing business at home. Success is dependent on the accuracy of market research and the company’s ability to manage from a local perspective with the absolute correct marketing mix. References (2009). Advertising, Marketing & Promotion Law – Guide to Advertising, Marketing & Promotion Law. Retrieved June 16, 2009 from ThinkQuest (1999). German Culture. Retrieved June 15, 2009, from United States Department of Labor (2009). Economy at a Glance. Retrieved June 16, 2009 from USA Study Guide (2007). The international student guide to education and study in the USA. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from, Autor (1996). German Broadcast Advertising Law. Online Journal Recht. Retrieved June 16, 2009, from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

An Analytical Study Of Alternative Energy Environmental Sciences Essay

In right away s industrial society, the hereinafter of the planet and its resources be ever close tothing that is in the heads of universe leaders. The natural resources of the planet ca nt persist everlastingly and solutions ar pursuance to be represent. duration approximately states atomic number 18 on the fl advertise to a greener personal modal value, former(a)(a) states lag behind and be utilizing up finite resources. Researching motleynate energies could h hotshot-time(a) its benefits yet near origin if its cost and early(a) complications might let outweigh the benefits.As with each impertinently perspective that conveys to light, in that respect argon 2 or more(prenominal) sides and feelings of what is right. iodine side is that non-re radicalable dodo fires atomic number 18 win over of location to stop and newborn beginnings of renewable queen strike to be incarnate into today s universe. In a track record by David Craddock, Shane Jor dan writes a preface closely shift energies. He states that the universe has two option of where to set off following ( 12 ) . One option has be repellantment, agony, and resources decea chatter, while the separate has clean skies and oceans and a brighter hereafter. He argues that it is a large determination to do and bank the right pick made. Resources argon dwindle down and fuels that argon used today atomic number 18 set asideing an consequence on the purlieu approximately us. He argues that wad brook been utilizing up dodo fuels with no look on for the effects to come, as he mentions out global hotness. In the past old festers, pot guard been seeking to alter the beginning of our push hardlyton to something renewable and non ruinous to the environment. New beginnings of button submit been constitute and renewable energies atomic number 18 the fasted turning cipher beginning today.Renewable aught is docile replenished. Beginnings from nature a s imilar ancestry current, solar, tidal, and pitiable ridges fag end be used to personnel things and argon non defameful to the environment. With lifting costs of fogey fuels, these new beginnings of alter postal code are even more appealing. David Craddock argues that we are sing planetal zippo and pollution jobs because we are so dependent on fossil fuels ( 16 ) . These fuels are over 80 per centum of the worldwide force ingestion. If we had renewable, leap out energies to utilize so thither would be less(prenominal)(prenominal) dependence on things that we can never acquire back once more. He declares that when fossil fuels are burned, they release bouldery chemicals into the expression and atmosphere. This amendss people and the environment in the extensive tally and it is already pickings its toll. He argues that it is non a inquiry of if fossil fuels result run out, but when ( 17 ) .The new refilling dynamism beginnings can be found to the highest degree an y get into. Solar, H2O, and air current can be found fundamentally anyplace on the planet. distant today s energy, where two tierces of crude oil are found in the mediate East and are capable to oil invasions. Renewable energy is in risque sentiment to the open but public functionaries and politicians are more wary and waver the brand the alteration because of the cost associated with it. Craddock states that renewable energy costs have done for(p) down and leave behind go on to worsen ( 19 ) . Particularly with fossil fuels con centre of attentioning and their cost rise, baste energy, like solar, air current, and H2O, is the clear and logical option. He even states that different beginnings have different costs and benefits and one beginning may be better than the separate ( 18-19 ) . composition some protest planetary heat energy, some others have Numberss that might call on the cover those who look it is a myth. Before the industrial revolution, the acres s ambi ance contained 280 part per million of C dioxide. That was good sum Once we started firing coal and gaseous state and oil to power our lives, that 280 figure started to lift. When we began mensurating in the late fiftiess, it had already reached the 315 degree. Now it s at 380, an increasing by or so two parts per million yearly . Since some deny planetary heating and believe the beginnings of energy we have flat are all right, this one thousand shows that temperatures are lifting and in that location is more C dioxide in the ambiance and ice on the Earth is runing which causes the H2O degrees to lift, seasons, and rainfall forms ( McKibben 5 ) . Therefore, protagonists of leap energy see these Numberss and hunt further for solutions and the convince those opposed to utilizing substitute energy.While some argument the cost of alternate energy, the other side argues that the equipment to utilize the energy is the cost and the existent energy is free. Harmonizing to McKibben , The pecuniary value ticket for the planetary passage will be in the millions of dollars. Of class, along the manner it will make unnumerable new occupations, and when it is complete, it may be a much more elegant system. His point is that air current, Sun, and other natural resources are free and states ca nt command it or have it ( 5 ) . It is argued that in the long tally, the cost will be less and it will last for much lifelong than fossil fuels used today. As quoted above, there will no longer be battles over fuels. In past and present, there are wars over oil and some of these issues could be resolved if there were renewable energies to be used without international work or struggle ( McKibben 5-6 ) .Even though fossil fuels are non renewable, their power is undeniable. intrinsic beginnings ca nt vie with their powerful flawlessness, but with more knowledge, flawlessness could be feasible. about natural beginnings, like air current, are barely useable in some count ries. tho when they are used, they work really good. Even in the past 10 old ages engineering for energy has bountiful significantly. No affair the pick of what is made, the financial value of gasolene and energy will travel up and the effects of either pick ca nt be devoted to the future coevalss ( Nersesian 382 ) .Since renewable and alternate energy is a immense argument around to universe, some states are following new ways and it has an affect on the planetary economic system. Asia has adopted new engineerings to sway H2O to drier topographic points and build forth energy from it ( Moeller 17 ) . With this illustration, other states are also get pop to integrate new things that will preserve energy. The UK could be in front since they could harbour zero C emanations by 2030. The intent is called Zero Carbon Britain 2030 and they would trust moreover on renewable energies like solar, air current, and H2O ( Eisberg 12 ) .With this new thought and survey, some people for the acceptance of alternate energy think that this is hopeful and it gives stick up to their cause. Though the UK is little, turn outing that alternate energy beginnings could power the state shows that it is possible and within range in the non overly distant hereafter. Whether or non it the new dodging is adopted can be a mark as to if the renewable beginnings are effectual and in effect(p). But if it is set in topographic point, it could get down other states into developing their ain program to hold zero C emanations and lower the pollution from their state ( Eisberg 12 ) .Since the cost is a immense portion of the what makes people against renewable energy, doing a spiriteder cost to foul and utilize fossil fuels could be a manner to actuate people to exchange. just about think that taxing C emanations. But if this happened, it could be hurt alternatively of aid. Peoples who are hapless would merely acquire poorer and there would necessitate to be a manner to calculat e out how to non make more harm than good ( McKibben 7 ) . McKibben as well as stated that possibly revenue enhancements on things that benefit people be lead such as payroll checks and things that do nt profit us be taxed, like C emanations ( 7 ) . This could withal induce on many jobs and most significantly, would nt travel over good with people or politicians ( McKibben 7-8 ) .On the other side of the alternate energy argument are those who think people should lodge with fossil fuels. The nous narrative against alternate and renewable energy is the high cost. some(a) argue that solar energy, for illustration, is 10 times higher in cost than fossil fuels. Robert L. Bradley Jr. argues that renewable energy is twice every collation costly as fossil fuels and common chord times more expensive as excess electricity, on norm. He besides argues that the renewable energy market is besides non every bit competitory as dodo fuels which may maintain fiscal determine of alternat e energy beginnings high ( Bradley 1-5 ) .With concerns over the monetary value of new energy beginnings, some offer thoughts for solutions to take down costs. Harmonizing to Christopher Simon, To avoid lifting monetary values, use up for fossil fuels must be curtailed and the development of feasible replacings fuels must quickly bear upon ( 6 ) . With today s unpitying universe economic system and bullion system, some believe that this will neer be possible. With the inexpensive monetary values of oil and other dodo fuels equald with renewable energies, it seems improbable that there could be an efficient passage. Some say that while withdraw creates supply, the demand is nt high plenty to compare the cost to alter the fuels used. Besides, that even if there were to be a planetary passage, the energy created would nt be able to cover the demand for energy ( Simon 7-9 ) .The cost of alternate fuels is the promontory concern of people when they hear about alternate energy and it is non without ground. Jonathan Katz provinces, The primary take exception for all types of alternate energy is cost, and in peculiar it s cost comparative degree to conventional fossil fuels. There is an abundance of agricultural waste that could be converted into biofuel, but the cost of biofuel is more than petroleum-based fuels, so there is a limited biofuel market. The akin can be said for municipal waste, solar energy, air current power, etc .the treat required to change over it to a useable signifier is frequently expensive due to the cost of equipment, limited labor graduated table, etc. ( 2 ) .Because alternate energy, renewable energy, and planetary heating are a big portion of what is perceive on the intelligence and in the media, people ever hear about it on manner or another. When a state that has more that one side arises, one side can dominate the other. Some people that think planetary heating is non a job are unremarkably set aside and non heard from no matter of if their statement has merit ( Derr 9 ) . Derr besides states that in response to Al bloodbath s film about planetary heating, An Inconvenient Truth, a British idiot box manufacturer created a film rebuting control board s statements. Many people have non heard of this film because he was non allowed to attest it ( Derr 9 ) . Adding to this, maintaining one side of the statement in the dark is one of the cause why some argue that the argument is nonreversible and unjust. With the media being such a immense portion of what people see, hear, and believe, some think that this is why all of the grounds why they think alternate energy is non needed is because if this ( 9-10 ) .Derr argues that clime alterations are a portion of how the planet plants and are a natural portion of the Earth s life. Harmonizing to Derr, The current warming tendency dates merely about 1975. Before that, a attach chilling period get down about 1940 led scientific consensus of the mid-sev enties to proclaim planetary chilling and possibly the first marks of an ice age ( Derr 10 ) . He states that history is effective of periods like today that were warmer than they were in the yesteryear. Geologist have proven that big clime alterations have dated all the manner back to prehistoric culture. They determined this by analysing tree rings, ice-core samples, and ocean-bottom deposit. Scientists have determined that these swings go through every 1500 old ages and the forms have postal code to make with what people do or set into the air and the clime alterations come before additions in C dioxide ( Derr 10 ) . Harmonizing to those who have similar point of enamours, researching alternate energy is a waste of snippet and money because the clime alteration is a natural rhythm and will travel through its natural procedure as it has done in the past ( 10-11 ) . This sentiment could surely hold an consequence on the public and alteration whether or non new alternate energy could be incorporated into mundane life.Others believe that new energy beginnings are out at that place but the current 1s, like solar, air current, and H2O, are non the reply. One point of medical prognosis is that we should alternatively look into new beginnings to change over into fuel. Fabien Deswarte thinks that things like wheat, wood, straw and other things should be used and converted into bioethanol. By tackling cellulose alternatively of amylum, we could happen a manner to utilize nutrient and waste to fuel today s society. Harmonizing to protagonists of this statement, utilizing these new engineerings could be more effectual and will last longer because people ever will be devouring and utilizing agribusiness.With today s ever-changing society, new energy beginnings are everyplace. Everyone has a different point of view and plausible solution. Keeping with present industries could harm the environment but the solutions presented may non be one hundred per centum effectu al. With clip, honing of current solutions is glide path and the issues could be worked out. Such a study subject as alternate energy will non happen an reply presently but advancement in the depicted object is ever something that is in the hereafter. By spirit at all the facts and point of views, people can make up ones sound judgment for themselves what actions to take and how to promote alteration or deficiency of alteration to their day-to-day lives.